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Character and Community: Rispetto as a Virtue in the Tradition of Italian-American Lawyers
Journal Articles
  • Thomas L. Shaffer, Notre Dame Law School
  • Mary M. Shaffer
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64 Notre Dame L. Rev. 838 (1989).

Our project is to contemplate a discrete piece of applied ethics in the American legal profession, a piece of what one might call Italian-American legal ethics. We propose to describe a moral value for which we will use the Italian word rispetto. Our understanding of rispetto is that it is a virtue, a good habit, through which the person learns, practices, teaches, and remembers his place within the family. We will argue here that the practice of this virtue will allow a modern lawyer to be in and of his or her civic and professional community without loss of dignity and a sense of self.


Symposium: The Moral Lawyer
Reprinted with permission of the Notre Dame Law Review.

Citation Information
Thomas L. Shaffer and Mary M. Shaffer. "Character and Community: Rispetto as a Virtue in the Tradition of Italian-American Lawyers" (1989)
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