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Business Lawyers, Baseball Players, and the Hebrew Prophets
Journal Articles
  • Thomas L. Shaffer, Notre Dame Law School
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42 Val. U. L. Rev. 1063 (2007-2008)

This article is a reflection on the ethics of practiving law for business, building on the career of Scott Boras, who acts as agent and lawyer for professional baseball players. The reflection wonders at the clout corporate lawyers have over their clients, mentioning, of course, some personal experiences (back before the invention of moveable type) from the author's two years in a large business-oriented law firm, as well as on Mr. Boras's significant influence in the baseball world. The object, finally, is ethical reflection on such things as the particular a lawyer has when she in in house rather than in a firm and working for other clients. The principal ethical guidance the author explores is the Biblical prophets, where much of the danger in the enterprise, as well as much of the moral influence employed, turned on the fact that the prophet was an insider.


Reprinted with permission of Valparaiso University Law Review.

Citation Information
Thomas L. Shaffer. "Business Lawyers, Baseball Players, and the Hebrew Prophets" (2008)
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