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Addressing the Current Crisis in NCAA Intercollegiate Athletics: Where is Congress?
26 Marquette Sports Law Review 363 (2016)
  • Thomas J. Horton
  • Drew DeGroot
  • Tyler Custis
This article reviews the historic developments and legal trends that have led to the current crisis facing intercollegiate athletics.  Based on the authors' analysis, they argue that a continuing fusillade of antitrust challenges is not the best way to balance the diverse values and objectives at stake. Instead, it is time for a national dialogue, abetted by congressional studies and legislative action, that leads to a more rational and sensitive balancing of the social, moral, and economic values and objectives engendered by intercollegiate athletics.
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Citation Information
Thomas J. Horton, Drew DeGroot & Tyler Custis, Addressing the Current Crisis in NCAA Intercollegiate Athletics: Where is Congress?, 26 Marquette Sports Law Review 363 (2016).