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Quality Roundtable 2017_Frederick_24 _PROOF.PDF
  • Theresa Frederick, Aurora Health Care
Aurora Health Care’s strategic priorities include quality, patient experience, and caregiver/provider engagement. Because literature shows burnout is directly linked to lower patient satisfaction scores, higher physician/staff turnover, and increased physician alcohol and drug abuse, the team focused their project on addressing burnout by reducing time primary care physicians spend on indirect patient care. We defined “indirect patient care” as time spent by the physician on tasks outside the patient encounter including chart preparation, sorting of the inbox, and ordering tests. Additional time on administrative tasks is often cited as the primary reason physicians leave a practice. The provider in our project was spending time at home on tasks, which in turn led to the physician feeling “burned out.”  We gathered a team to support and help us view the work from different perspectives in the clinic, so our first task was to go to Gemba. 
  • lean healthcare,
  • burnout,
  • preventing burnout with system fixes,
  • physician,
  • efficient
Publication Date
Spring 2017
This started as a capstone project for my green belt working in one clinic but the outcome was more than we expected and got a lot of traction from other clinics.
Citation Information
Theresa Frederick. "Quality Roundtable 2017_Frederick_24 _PROOF.PDF" (2017)
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