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Student Newspaper Funding Issues on Public University Campuses in Ohio: Higher Education Administrators Vs. Student Journalists
ASJMC Insights Journal (2016)
  • Terry L. Hapney, Jr.
Cases of college and university administrators using
funding for student publications as a mechanism to attempt
to exercise control over student media arise on a
fairly steady basis (Hapney & Russo, 2013). Occasionally,
this comes in the form of student government associations
that defund student newspapers in retaliation for
reportage. Usually, funding provided by administrators
and student government associations is not a license to
control student newspapers on public university campuses,
in particular (2013). Struggles and conflict between
university administrators and student journalists
over who controls student newspapers in Ohio is evident—
including the issue of funding (Hapney & Lucas,

This article begins with a review of the relevant literature
associated with student newspaper budget cuts carried
out by college and university administrators, including
an examination of the important federal and Supreme
Court cases associated with this scenario. It also outlines
the method used in examining budgetary issues on four
public university campuses in the state of Ohio. The
views of university administrators, faculty members, and
student journalists at these universities are outlined. It
concludes with ideology in relation to a continual issue
with which administrators, faculty members, and student
journalists contend.
  • Funding issues for student newspapers on university campuses,
  • Student Newspapers,
  • College Newspapers in Ohio,
  • Student newspaper funding
Publication Date
Winter 2016
Citation Information
Terry L. Hapney. "Student Newspaper Funding Issues on Public University Campuses in Ohio: Higher Education Administrators Vs. Student Journalists" ASJMC Insights Journal (2016) p. 11 - 17
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