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Unpublished Paper
Speculations on Structures Once Near the Site of Lemon Hall
Arts & Sciences Articles
  • Terry L. Meyers, William & Mary
Document Type
Research Paper
Pub Date

"One of the most intriguing views of Williamsburg in antebellum days depicts a series of large and small structures along Jamestown Road, roughly between where Barrett Hall and Lemon Hall stand today.

Made between 1859 and 1862 by James Austin Graham (1814/15-1878), the panorama presents Williamsburg as viewed roughly from where the law school is today and sweeps along the entire southern edge of town, from the Capitol on the east to, on the west, about the site of the College’s Lemon Hall..."

Citation Information
Terry L. Meyers. "Speculations on Structures Once Near the Site of Lemon Hall" (2020) p. 1 - 17
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