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Unpublished Paper
The W&M Anglo-Saxon Club
Arts & Sciences Articles
  • Terry L. Meyers, William & Mary
Document Type
Research Paper
Pub Date

"In my 2008 article “A First Look at the Worst,” I mentioned (p. 1158) the apparent existence at William and Mary of an Anglo-Saxon Club, a unit of a white supremacist organization, the Anglo-Saxon Clubs of America. That outfit had been established in Richmond in 1922 with the aid of John Powell, at once a distinguished musician and a deep racist (he managed to include his racist views in his compositions). Among his accomplishments was help in drafting and passing Virginia’s notorious Racial Integrity Act of 1924; the Anglo-Saxon Clubs were accessories to that effort..."

Revised June 3, 2023

Citation Information
Terry L. Meyers. "The W&M Anglo-Saxon Club" (2019) p. 1 - 5
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