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Unpublished Paper
On Joe and the Burial Place(s) of the Enslaved at William & Mary
Arts & Sciences Articles
  • Terry L. Meyers, William & Mary
Document Type
Research Paper
Pub Date

"It is possible that in the 17th or 18th century W&M opened a burial ground on its 330 acre campus and that it buried there those it enslaved over some 172 years. We have no documentation of that, although we have several references to the College’s providing coffins.1 Since those record no further expenses such as transport to the grave or digging the grave, I presume there would have been no such expenses--other of our enslaved would undertake such tasks as part of their job..."

Citation Information
Terry L. Meyers. "On Joe and the Burial Place(s) of the Enslaved at William & Mary" (2020) p. 1 - 12
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