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The Project Framework: a tool for language, content, and skills integration
ELT Journal (2005)
  • Tammy Slater, University of British Columbia
  • Gulbahar Beckett, University of Cincinnati
Project-based instruction is a valuable way to promote the simultaneous acquisition of language, content, and skills, provided that students in academic ESL classes can see the value of learning through projects, which the literature notes has not consistently been the case. This article introduces a methodological tool called ‘The Project Framework’, describes the research which tested it in an undergraduate university ESL classroom, and suggests how it can be used as a cultural tool to help socialize students into a new way of thinking about language and language learning. The Framework allows ESL students to see the value of project-based instruction by making explicit the various components which work together to promote higher level academic literacy: language, thinking skills, and content knowledge.
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Publisher Statement
Copyright 2005 Oxford University Press
Citation Information
Tammy Slater and Gulbahar Beckett. "The Project Framework: a tool for language, content, and skills integration" ELT Journal Vol. 59 Iss. 2 (2005) p. 108 - 116
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