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Dimensions of Legislative Conflict: Coalitions, Obstructionism, and Lawmaking in Multiparty Presidential Regimes
Legislative Studies Quarterly (2014)
  • Taeko Hiroi, The University of Texas at El Paso
  • Lucio Renno
This article addresses central issues in multiparty presidential systems: the functioning of legislative coalitions and the dynamics of legislative conflict. Since electoral competition has elements of both positive-sum (increase in common support) and zero-sum (exact division of the support) qualities, lawmaking in coalitional systems presents unique challenges. Using legislative data from Brazil, we examine how coalition management and unity affect legislative delay and obstructionism. We find, among others, that: (1) coalition management is pivotal for both faster legislative approval and less obstructionism, but its effect depends on coalition size; and (2) cohesive opposition impedes the legislative process.
  • legislative politics,
  • coalition,
  • legislative process,
  • obstructionism,
  • Brazil,
  • coalitional presidentialism
Publication Date
Citation Information
Taeko Hiroi and Lucio Renno. "Dimensions of Legislative Conflict: Coalitions, Obstructionism, and Lawmaking in Multiparty Presidential Regimes" Legislative Studies Quarterly Vol. 39 Iss. 3 (2014)
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