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Electron transport in laterally confined phosphorus δ-layers in silicon
Physical Review B (2006)
  • S. J. Robinson
  • J. S. Kline
  • H. J. Wheelwright
  • J. R. Tucker
  • C. L. Yang
  • R. R. Du
  • B. E. Volland
  • I. W. Rangelow
  • T. -C. Shen, Utah State University

Two-dimensional electron systems fabricated from a single layer of P-donors have been lithographically confined to nanometer scale in lateral directions. The electronic transport of such quasi-one-dimensional systems with and without a perpendicular magnetic field was characterized at cryogenic temperatures. Experimental data fit well with two-dimensional weak localization and interaction theory when the phase coherence length is shorter than the smaller dimension of the confinement. Below a transition temperature the wire conductance saturates.

  • electron transport,
  • phosphorous,
  • silicon
Publication Date
January 1, 2006
Citation Information
S. J. Robinson, J. S. Kline, H. J. Wheelwright, J. R. Tucker, C. L. Yang, R. R. Du, B. E. Volland, I. W. Rangelow, and T.-C. Shen, “Electron transport in laterally confined phosphorus δ-layers in silicon”, Phys. Rev. B 74, 153311 (2006).