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The United States Tax Court - A Court For All Parties
Bulletin for International Taxation (2016)
  • T. Keith Fogg
This article seeks to explain the role of the Tax Court both within the system of taxation and the system of tribunals of the United States. To provide this explanation, the article will address several specific areas: 1) the mission of the Court; 2) the placement of the Court within the judicial system and the scope of its jurisdiction; 3) selection of judicial officers of the Court; 4) the internal organization of the Court and its opinions; 5) access to the Court; 6) policy issues facing the Court; and 7) interaction between the Court and the public outside the courtroom. The article will describe the Tax Court as it exists in 2015 and only briefly touch on historical matters as necessary to understand the current status of the Court.
  • Tax Court
Publication Date
Citation Information
T. Keith Fogg. "The United States Tax Court - A Court For All Parties" Bulletin for International Taxation Vol. 70 Iss. 1/2 (2016) p. 75 - 80
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