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Exploring Cultural Competence in the Context of Medical-Legal Partnership, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Culture and Controversy
HEC Forum
  • Lisa Radtke Bliss, Georgia State University College of Law
  • Sylvia B. Caley, Georgia State University College of Law
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This article reviews recent developments in health care law, focusing on controversy at the intersection of health care law and culture. The article addresses: emerging issues in federal regulatory oversight of the rapidly developing market in direct-to-consumer genetic testing, including questions about the role of government oversight and professional mediation of consumer choice; continuing controversies surrounding stem cell research and therapies and the implications of these controversies for healthcare institutions; a controversy in India arising at the intersection of abortion law and the rights of the disabled but implicating a broader set of cross-cultural issues; and the education of U.S. health care providers and lawyers in the theory and practice of cultural competency.

Citation Information
Lisa Bliss & Sylvia Caley, Exploring Cultural Competence in the Context of Medical-Legal Partnership, Recent Developments in Health Care Law: Culture and Controversy, 25 HEC Forum 14 (2013).