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Op-ed: Research Shows the Gender Gap is Real, and Denying it Slows Progress
The Salt Lake Tribute (2016)
  • Susan R. Madsen, Utah Valley University
I read with great interest the op-ed piece written by Margaret Dayton and Stuart Reid published June 4 titled, "'War on women' is built on misleading myths."
It seemed an intriguing piece, based on the authors' own opinions, but readers need to know that it was not founded on facts or current research findings. Hence, unfortunately, it fosters misleading myths based on personal experience and bias rather than the latest statistics and scholarly research.
For this response I will stick to the facts supported by thousands of published studies from a wide variety of academic fields and disciplines, including social psychology, sociology, political science, communication, economics, management, organizational behavior, human resources, leadership and others.
Publication Date
June 13, 2016
Citation Information
Madsen, S. R. (2016). Research shows that the gender gap is real, and denying is slows progress. The Salt Lake Tribute. Retrieved from