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Using Organization Development for a Major Social Change Effort with Women and Education in Utah
2011 AHRD Research Conference of the Americas (2011)
  • Susan R. Madsen, Utah Valley University
  • Cheryl Hanewicz, Utah Valley University
  • Susan Thackeray, Utah Valley University
A critical issue right now in the state of Utah relates to women and higher education. Many leaders and citizens within the state have expressed concern that Utah is below the national average when it comes to women enrolling and completing postsecondary degrees. Although many speculate regarding the causes and challenges at the heart of this broader phenomenon, Utah stakeholders are unclear when it comes to the deeper complexities of this issue in the lives of the young female citizens within the state. The purpose of this paper and conference presentation is two-fold: first, to outline a complex, dynamic case of the use of organization development to lead a large scale state-wide (U.S.) social change effort (information will focus specially on raising urgency and awareness for the change intervention); and second, to provide a critical brief as an example of a document that has been successful in raising large scale awareness of the concern within Utah.
  • organization development,
  • social change,
  • Utah,
  • women,
  • education
Publication Date
Winter February 26, 2011
Citation Information
Susan R. Madsen, Cheryl Hanewicz and Susan Thackeray. "Using Organization Development for a Major Social Change Effort with Women and Education in Utah" 2011 AHRD Research Conference of the Americas (2011)
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