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Innovative Teaching Ideas for Management Educators: Professional Development Workshop
MED Division: Academy of Management (2008)
  • Susan R. Madsen, Utah Valley University
  • James H. Davis, University of Notre Dame
  • Charles Vance, Loyola Marymount University
  • Scott C. Hammond, Utah Valley University
  • Kenneth Barlett, University of Minnesota
  • Rex Foster, University of Minnesota
The primary purpose of this innovative professional development workshop (PDW) is to promote excellence in teaching by providing participants with ideas for effective and creative educational experiences in college and university classrooms and in the surrounding community environment. The goals of this workshop are threefold. First, this session will provide a forum for academy members to obtain and discuss new and creative ideas to enrich classroom environments, ultimately leading to increased student learning. Second, it will provide participants an opportunity to be involved in an active, experiential, and interesting workshop that is designed to motivate current and future faculty to incorporate innovative learning experiences into their curricula. Finally, it is designed to assist in fostering an increasing awareness of the importance of teaching excellence to the members of Academy. This innovative workshop will offer participants teaching ideas (assignments, activities, and techniques) that can provide students with unique and interactive ways to learn management and business concepts. Faculty members from institutions across the country will present, demonstrate, and discuss five creative teaching ideas in 15-minute segments. The PDW will conclude with a 15-minute large group discussion on the segments presented and also ideas for future scholarly dialogue and research on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning within our disciplines. By providing forums for scholarly discussions on improving the undergraduate and graduate experiences of our students, we can improve the effectiveness of our academic courses and programs across the U.S. and beyond.
  • Teaching,
  • Higher Education,
  • Innovative Teaching
Publication Date
August 9, 2008
Citation Information
Susan R. Madsen, James H. Davis, Charles Vance, Scott C. Hammond, et al.. "Innovative Teaching Ideas for Management Educators: Professional Development Workshop" MED Division: Academy of Management (2008)
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