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Training School Psychology Graduate Students to Address Regional Shortages: A Distance Learning Model
Trainers' Forum
  • Susan C. Davies, University of Dayton
  • Julie Q. Morrison, University of Cincinnati - Clermont College
  • Sawyer Hunley, University of Dayton
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Addressing the shortages of school psychologists in underserved regions of the country is critical to the profession and the communities served by its members. This article describes a school psychology satellite training program using a hybrid approach combining distance learning technologies and face-to-face classroom meetings. The purpose of this study was to describe the experiences of sixteen graduate students in a rural, Appalachian region of Ohio as members of the first two cohorts enrolled in the school psychology satellite program.

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Trainers of School Psychologists
Peer Reviewed
Citation Information
Susan C. Davies, Julie Q. Morrison and Sawyer Hunley. "Training School Psychology Graduate Students to Address Regional Shortages: A Distance Learning Model" Trainers' Forum Vol. 28 Iss. 1 (2008)
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