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School-Based Services for Traumatized Refugee Children
The Ohio School Psychologist
  • Dana Doran-Myers
  • Susan C. Davies, University of Dayton
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In 1991, civil war raged in Somalia and the country’s infrastructure began to disintegrate. Since then, millions have fled the violence and instability. Many Somali refugees have settled in the United States; Ohio now has the second larg- est settlement of Somali refugees in the country. Most of these refugees reside in the Columbus area, where numerous out- reach services have been developed. The Somalis are one of many refugee popula- tions that have enrolled children in Ohio schools. In such cases, there is often little or no warning of the children’s arrival and thus little time to prepare a comprehen- sive school-based service delivery plan. The purpose of this article is to inform school psychologists of specific stressors faced by refugee children and to describe school-based plans that can help meet their needs.

Inclusive pages
1, 6-10

Article included in repository with the permission of the Ohio School Psychologists Association. Any use of the content in this article must be attributed properly. For information about the OSPA or the Ohio School Psychologist, see the organization website >>>.

Ohio School Psychologists Association
Citation Information
Dana Doran-Myers and Susan C. Davies. "School-Based Services for Traumatized Refugee Children" The Ohio School Psychologist Vol. 55 Iss. 1 (2009)
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