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Taking the Lead in Faculty Development: Teacher Educators Changing the Culture of University Faculty Development Through Collaboration
  • Susan R. Adams, Butler University
  • Elizabeth K. Mix, Butler University
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As pedagogy experts, teacher educators should lead the charge for improved teaching and learning, but are under-utilized pedagogy resources in liberal arts universities. In this paper, the collaborators, one a teacher education assistant professor and the other an associate professor of art history, identify critical friendship group approaches (Allen & Blythe, 2004; McDonald, Mohr, Dichter, & McDonald, 2007) which have the potential to create transformative learning opportunities for liberal arts educators. Cross-disciplinary faculty partnerships hold promise for a sustainable, innovative approach to faculty development, with the potential to improve teaching and learning in liberal arts universities.

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Citation Information
Susan R. Adams and Elizabeth K. Mix. "Taking the Lead in Faculty Development: Teacher Educators Changing the Culture of University Faculty Development Through Collaboration" AILACTE Journal Vol. XI Iss. 1 (2014) p. 37 - 56
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