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‘Back to the future’? Technologies without boundaries
  • Subhajit Basu, University of Leeds
  • Richard P Jones

Welcome to the annual International Review edition devoted to presenting the best papers from the annual BILETA conference. The 2013 conference (the 28th) took place at the Liverpool Law School, University of Liverpool. The conference took as its theme “Our digital futures: technologies without boundaries” and was organised by Joseph Savirimuthu.

The conferences themes and aims were provocatively interdisciplinary, encouraging relevant discourse from several disciplines. In his keynote speech Prof. Andrew Murray of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and author of the OUP textbook on Information Technology Law: the Law and Society faced head on the question of whether cyberlaw is or indeed should be interdisciplinary. Firmly concluding it should not, he admonished the assembly of cyberlaw practitioners and scholars, suggesting they should stop apologising for engaging in other disciplines and instead start engaging jurisprudentially. As Murray pointed out, with many uncomfortable illustrations, cyberlawyers are conspicuously absent from key policy making forums whilst mainstream lawyers are not.

But are we sidelined because we are interdisciplinary? Are we not are sidelined because we are preoccupied with navel gazing on who and what cyberlaw and cyberlawyers are, rather than focussing on how law can most effectively and efficiently regulate cyberspace. As was stated in the editorial last year to the 27th BILETA conference what form should legal regulation take, do too many laws stifle creativity? Is there a better alternative to legal regulation in our technological societies? These are the questions that should be our central focus. The present generation of cyberlawyers and academics must exhibit confidence in their discipline and prove themselves worthy of driving forward from the formidable foundations laid by Peter Siepel (1975), Jon Bing (1977) and Colin Tapper (1978) to begin to open up solutions.

  • Technology,
  • Law,
  • IT,
  • IP,
  • Cybercrime,
  • Cyberlaw
Publication Date
Spring April 1, 2014
Citation Information
Subhajit Basu and Richard P Jones. "‘Back to the future’? Technologies without boundaries" (2014)
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