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David Gress: From Plato to NATO Study Guide
Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Steven Alan Samson, Liberty University
Publication Date

Besides being an essay on the concept of the West and the teaching of western civilization, this is a critique of what M. Stanton Evans called “the liberal history lesson” and what David Gress calls “the Grand Narrative.” The ironic title of the book (see page 1) may refer to a 1984 BBC radio series, later published as From Plato to NATO: Studies on Political Thought (1995), by the late British journalist and BBC announcer Brian Redhead. In preparing this study, Dr. Gress acknowledges the influence of Ernest Gellner’s The Conditions of Liberty, Paul Rahe’s Republics Ancient and Modern, and Brian Tierney’s Religion, Law and the Growth of Constitutional Thought, 1150-1650. David Landes’s The Wealth and Poverty of Nations is given special notice.

Citation Information
Steven Alan Samson. "David Gress: From Plato to NATO Study Guide" (2010)
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