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The Grapes of Parnassos
Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Steven Alan Samson, Liberty University
Publication Date
Given at Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA, April 16, 2007, at 10:00 AM, the morning of the Virginia Tech massacre.

Western civilization is succumbing to the false fruits of cultural revolutions to which it has consented at each stage of their development. Why do revolutions succeed? They succeed in part because the passing of a single generation is all it takes to wipe the slate and in part because the guardians let down their guard. First, the public memory fades or, as is often the case, is subtly reinterpreted. Then, citizens forget to convey the wealth of their experience and tradition to their children through nurturing, teaching, and testing. Finally, they even neglect to produce the heirs they should be preparing to carry on. These sins of omission may in some cases be absent-minded, given modernity’s capacity for producing endless distraction, but they are never less than deadly. If indeed we have sold our birthright, it will take character and courage to repent and return.

Citation Information
Steven Alan Samson. "The Grapes of Parnassos" (2007)
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