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Edward Rozek: A Teacher’s Gift
Faculty Publications and Presentations
  • Steven Alan Samson, Liberty University
Publication Date
First published as “Edward Rozek: A Teacher’s Gift” in: "About Such Things" (Tenth Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia), II, 2 (Spring 1998): 15-17. Originally written in 1993.

He always spoke with quiet authority, with conviction, about the blight of totalitarian oppression and, closer to home, the petty tyrannies that waylay us. When anti-war protests led to the cancellation of classes, we crossed picket lines in 1970 to take our final exams. We voted with our feet (one of his favorite phrases in another context). Our contract with him did not contain an escape clause.

Citation Information
Steven Alan Samson. "Edward Rozek: A Teacher’s Gift" (1998)
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