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Tackling the Tangle of Environmental Conflict: Complexity, Controversy, and Collaborative Learning
Emergence: Complexity and Organization
  • Gregg B. Walker
  • Steven E. Daniels, Utah State University
  • Jens Emborg
Document Type
Publication Date
ISCE Publishing

Environmental conflict situations are typically messy; a tangle of complexity, controversy, and uncertainty. As a means for addressing environmental conflict and decision situations and making progress on matters of substance, relationship, and procedure, Collaborative Learning integrates concepts and techniques from systems thinking, negotiation, experiential learning, and participatory communication. This essay establishes a context for understanding the creation and evolution of the CL methodology. Following that discussion, the Collaborative Learning approach is explained. A current comprehensive project in forest planning provides a case illustration.


Originally published by ISCE Publishing. Article fulltext available through remote link via CBS MoneyWatch.

Citation Information
Walker, G.B, S.E. Daniels, and J. Emborg. 2009. Tackling the tangle of environmental conflict: complexity, controversy, and collaborative learning. E:CO(10)4:xx-xx.