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Predicting Modes of Toxic Action from Chemical Structure: An Overview
SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research (1994)
  • Steven P. Bradbury

In the field of environmental toxicology, and especially aquatic toxicology, quantitative structure activity relationships (QSARs) have developed as scientifically-credible tools for predicting the toxicity of chemicals when little or no empirical data are available. A basic and fundamental understanding of toxicological principles has been considered crucial to the continued acceptance and application of these techniques as biologically relevant. As a consequence, there has been an evolution of QSAR development and application from that of a chemical-class perspective to one that is more consistent with assumptions regarding modes of toxic action. The assessment of a compound’s likely mode of toxic action is critical for a correct QSAR selection; incorrect mode of action-based QSAR selections can result in 10- to 1000-fold errors in toxicity predictions. The establishment of toxicologically-credible techniques to assess mode of toxic action from chemical structure requires toxicodynamic knowledge bases that are clearly defined with regard to exposure regimes and biological models/endpoints and based on compounds that adequately span the diversity of chemicals anticipated for future applications. With such knowledge bases classification systems, including rule-based experts systems, have been established for use in predictive aquatic toxicology applications.

  • QSAR,
  • mode of toxic action,
  • aquatic toxicology
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Publisher Statement
Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
Steven P. Bradbury. "Predicting Modes of Toxic Action from Chemical Structure: An Overview" SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research Vol. 2 Iss. 1-2 (1994)
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