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Temporal Changes in Purity and Specific Activity of Tritium-Labeled 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin: Radiopurity Model for Toxicology
Environmental Science & Technology (1999)
  • Steven P. Bradbury
  • Joseph D. Fernandez
  • Philip M. Cook
  • Brian C. Butterworth

The specific activity (S) and radiopurity (R) of tritium labeled 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, [3H]TCDD, were measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/ MS) while attempting to accurately characterize TCDD doses received by invertebrates, fish, and fish embryos during several toxicology studies conducted over a 3 year period. The [3H]TCDD sample was found to consist of six TCDD analogues involving hydrogen, deuterium, and tritium substitution at the 1,6-dibenzo-p-dioxin carbon positions and a complex mixture of impurities (with and without tritium labels). Planar aromatic impurities were identified as tolyl- TCDD adducts and appeared to result from the decay of 3H radiolabels to produce TCDD carbocations which reacted with the solvent, toluene. Formation of TriCDD and tolyl-TriCDDs, from both TCDD and tolyl-TCDDs, probably resulted from radiolysis-induced loss of a chlorine to form TriCDD free radicals which reacted with toluene. The measurement of S for [3H]TCDD by GC/MS was accurate and precise ((3%) because relative, rather than absolute, amounts of the analogues were determined. Changes in S over time were accurately modeled as a function of the conversion of each [3H]TCDD analogue to a solvent- TCDD analogue at a rate determined by 3H loss due to decay. Storage, purification, and use of tritiated chemicals for toxicology studies requires consideration of the 3Hdecayrelated phenomena. For example, hydroxylated TCDD is an expected decay reaction product of [3H]TCDD in tissues and may be misidentified as a metabolite.

  • Planar aromatic impurities,
  • tritium compounds,
  • radiolabel,
  • rate of metabolism
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Works produced by employees of the U.S. Government as part of their official duties are not copyrighted within the U.S. The content of this document is not copyrighted.
Citation Information
Steven P. Bradbury, Joseph D. Fernandez, Philip M. Cook and Brian C. Butterworth. "Temporal Changes in Purity and Specific Activity of Tritium-Labeled 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-ρ-dioxin: Radiopurity Model for Toxicology" Environmental Science & Technology Vol. 33 Iss. 20 (1999)
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