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Gas Phase Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of CFCl
Journal of Chemical Physics (1979)
  • Stephen E. Bialkowski, Utah State University
  • David S. King
  • John C. Stephenson

The CFCl radical has been produced in the gas phase by both IR multiphotonphotolysis of C2F3Cl and He metastable reaction with C2F3Cl. Single vibronic level fluorescence and excitation spectra taken of this species have yielded sufficient information to determine certain vibronic constants. The excited state was found to have an origin of T0=25 283±5 cm−1 with vibrational frequencies: ω2′=394±3 cm−1 and ω3′=739±5 cm−1. In the ground state, the vibrational frequencies were found to be: ω3″=118±10 cm−1, ω2″=448±6 cm−1, and ω3″=750±6 cm−1. The rotational structure of the vibronic bands is similar to those of band transitions of a near prolate top, and the electronic transition has been tentatively identified as ?1 A ″←?1 A′ by analogy to similar CF2 transitions. The radiative lifetime of the excited state, τr =700±10 nsec, was found to be independent of the rovibronic excitation frequency. The change in the major rotational constant was found to be A′−A ″=1.8±0.2 cm−1.

  • gas,
  • laser,
  • fluorescence,
  • CFCI
Publication Date
January 1, 1979
Publisher Statement
© 1979 American Institute of Physics Published by AIP, Article can be found at
Citation Information
Gas Phase Laser Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy of CFCl Stephen E. Bialkowski, David S. King, and John C. Stephenson Journal of Chemical Physics 71 4010 1979