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The Team Multiple Errands Test: A Platform to Evaluate Distributed Teams
Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering Conference Proceedings and Posters
  • Jamiahus Walton, Iowa State University
  • Desmond Carletus Bonner, Iowa State University
  • Kelsey Walker, Central Washington University
  • Samantha Mater, Oberlin College
  • Michael C. Dorneich, Iowa State University
  • Stephen B. Gilbert, Iowa State University
  • Robert West, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Version
Published Version
Publication Date
Conference Title
8th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Conference Date
March 14-18, 2015
(49.2827291, -123.12073750000002)

Teams have the ability to achieve goals that are unobtainable by individuals alone. However, there is little agreement on a standard model for researching the performance of distributed teams. Initial pilot results suggest that the Multiple Errands Test (MET), when adapted to a team in a virtual environment, is a platform for evaluating the impact of feedback characteristics. To demonstrate the potential of the Team MET as a platform for future team research in the broader CSCW community, an example study is described in which team members are given feedback in one of four conditions: individual private, team private, individual public, and team public.


8th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (2015): 247, doi: 10.1145/2685553.2699018. Posted with permission.

Copyright Owner
Walton et al.
File Format
Citation Information
Jamiahus Walton, Desmond Carletus Bonner, Kelsey Walker, Samantha Mater, et al.. "The Team Multiple Errands Test: A Platform to Evaluate Distributed Teams" Vancouver, BC, Canada(2015) p. 247 - 250
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