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The Impact of Interorganizational Imitation on New Venture International Entry and Performance
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Stephanie A. Fernhaber, Butler University
  • Dan Li
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We examine the impact of interorganizational imitation on new venture international entry and subsequent performance. Using a sample of 150 U.S.-based publicly held new ventures, we find that new venture international entry is in part an imitative response to the internationalization of other firms in the venture's home country industry and/or subsets of firms with certain traits or outcomes. We also find that interorganizational imitation moderates the relationship between new venture international entry and profitability, but not the relationship between new venture international entry and sales growth. These findings contribute to the growing body of literature on new venture internationalization.


‘This is a peer reviewed version of the following article:

Fernhaber, S. A., & Li, D. (January 01, 2010). The Impact of Interorganizational Imitation on New Venture International Entry and Performance. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34, 1, 1-30.


which has been published in final form at: DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6520.2009.00365.x. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance With Wiley Terms and Conditions for self-archiving'.

Citation Information
Stephanie A. Fernhaber and Dan Li. "The Impact of Interorganizational Imitation on New Venture International Entry and Performance" Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice Vol. 34 Iss. 1 (2010) p. 1 - 30
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