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Marshall University Music Department Presents the Marshall University Symphonic Band and the Marshall University Wind Symphony
All Performances
  • Shirelle Yuhase, Marshall University
  • Steve Barnett, Marshall University
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Shirelle Yuhase, Conductor, Symphonic Band

Steve Barnett, Conductor, Wind Symphony

Symphonic Band Personnel:

Josephine Mendez-prin., Andrea Hensley, Christina Rodes, Dana Dawley, Elizabeth Cartmill, flute

Amanda Cooper-prin., Emily Garren, oboe

1st Rebekah Ricks- prin., Emily McClain, 2nd Ida Ward, Philip Runyon, Anna Blakeman, 3rd Caren Blake, Sierra Burford, Anna Tupper, clarinet

Marissa Berry, bass clarinet

1st Jodi Bapst - prin., Melissa Barlip, Katie Wilson, Jason McCloud II, 2nd Tyler Deering, Kelsey Cardwell, Cheyenne Cornel, Regan Martinez, alto saxophone

Christina Stradwick - prin., Katie Daley, Tyler James, Shawna Hatten, tenor saxophone

Josh Corder, baritone saxophone

1st Christy Carson-prin., Adam Burroway, Gabrielle Leblanc, Sean Maxwell, 2nd Christopher Richards, Alec Hunt, Eddie Short, Alison Lawhead, 3rd Alecca Hunt, Lauren Johnson, Tori Taylor, Hayley Breeding, Shane Meadows, trumpets

1st Matt Darnold- prin., 2nd Zachary New, 3rd Chelsea Morrison, 4th Abby Cowbum, 5th Lindsey Ray, horns

William Mullins - prin. Bradley Brown, Mykal Haner, Matt Drummer, trombones

Ethan Bartlett - prin., Joey Graybeal, Emma Hensley, Eli Shuff, euphoniums

Marshall Rickman IV - prin., Anthony Reynolds, Katherine Hebbard, Colleen Wenners, tuba

Matthew Bradley- prin., Chad Terry, Evan White, Justin Evans, Jacob Hunt, Olivia Myers, Hunter Ellison, Jeremy Boggs, Ryan Newhouse, Jonathan Shuff, Zach Phillips, Issac Evans, percussion

Wind Symphony Personnel:

Allison Kessinger- prin., Jason Cook- Pice., Aaron Sowards, Madelyn Mazzeo, Allison Nola-Phillips, Kaitlyn Hess, Kayla Ariyan, flute

1st Josh Blair, Scott Nibert, 2nd Olivia Hughes, Kaitlyn Miller, Emily Hall, 3rd Makala Gilkerson, Emilea Burgh, Conor Lannan, Katrina Elliott, Bass- Rebecca Adkins, Rachel Wyant, clarinet

Jessica Smith, Savannah Johnson, oboe

Michelle McKenzie, bassoon

Jorday Carinelli- 1st alto, Robert Galloway- 2nd alto, Amanda Cooper- 2nd alto, Lucy Ward Tenor, Adam O'Neal- baritone, saxophone

Briana Blakenship, Kevin Eason, Daniel Ricks, Tyler Payne, Michael Black, Alec Hunt, Andrea Withee, trumpet

Danielle Ocheltree, Josh Stewart, Chris Bunner, Mindy Cazad, Kristen Bobuk, horn

Chris McConaha, Brianna Williams, Brian Crawford, Tim Hoffman, Alex Cardwell- bass, trombones

Matt Drummer, Seth Edwards, euphoniums

Tyler Davis, Guy Parker, Nicholas Hartley, tuba

Ryan Morgan, string bass

Mark Smith, piano

Chris Scarberry - prin., Charles Powell, Keith Bailey, Derek Staley, Evan Grover, Joe Crowe, Tyler Stewart, Sean McCallister, Jacob Hoskins, Mason Bartlett

Smith Recital Hall
Citation Information
Shirelle Yuhase and Steve Barnett. "Marshall University Music Department Presents the Marshall University Symphonic Band and the Marshall University Wind Symphony" (2013)
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