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Quality and Equity in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
2009 - 2019 ACER Research Conferences
  • Sheldon Rothman, ACER
  • David Curtis, Flinders University
  • Lori Hocking, VETnetwork
  • David Tout, ACER
Start Date
3-8-2014 2:30 PM
End Date
3-8-2014 4:15 PM

The first National report on social equity in VET, published in 2013, provides baseline data on the participation, achievement and transitions of specific groups of VET learners in the Australian population. In this session, members of the panel will present findings of that report, and findings from other research on the school-to-work transition for specific groups of learners, and efforts to ensure that all participants have access to quality VET programs. The discussant, Lori Hocking, will offer a practitioner’s perspective on the issues raised during the session. Panel members will answer questions from the floor.


Concurrent Session

Citation Information
Sheldon Rothman, David Curtis, Lori Hocking and David Tout. "Quality and Equity in Vocational Education and Training (VET)" (2014)
Available at: