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Family Participation or Engagement: A Powerful Distinction that Supports Positive Outcomes for Kids
Catholic Education Summit
  • Shauna M. Adams, University of Dayton
Marshall Room (N1840)
Start Date
24-6-2015 1:30 PM
End Date
24-6-2015 2:30 PM

Pope Francis has declared 2015 the year of the family and the opportunities to be inspired by this message are great. Many families choose Catholic schools, in part, because they seek to be members of a faith community. In this session, participants will explore how to build community through research-based family engagement strategies. They will complete a self-evaluation tool designed to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth in their school’s family engagement practices.

Citation Information
Shauna M. Adams. "Family Participation or Engagement: A Powerful Distinction that Supports Positive Outcomes for Kids" (2015)
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