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Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Children
Catholic Education Summit
  • Shauna M. Adams
  • Emily Gray
KU East Ballroom
Start Date
18-7-2012 12:30 PM
End Date
18-7-2012 1:30 PM

Developmentally appropriate practice is the basis for quality early learning and the focus of the 2009 revision of the NAEYC Position Statement but what does it mean for Catholic Schools? In the Marianist tradition to "Learn, Lead and Serve", participants will LEARN how changes in the document reflect the demands of the 21st century, support development, and help young children start school ready to learn. Participants will be encouraged to LEAD as they explore how the revised position statement is being practiced in their Catholic school or parish setting and make a plan for improvement. Finally, participants will SERVE by submitting examples of high quality practice that may be selected to be part of the Bombeck Institute Showcase of Excellence.

Citation Information
Shauna M. Adams and Emily Gray. "Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Children" (2012)
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