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Ondřej Preuss, The Substantive Requirements of a Democratic Rule of Law in Case Law of the Constitutional Court (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Juris Utrisque Doctor Dissertation 2013), citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense
  • Seth Barrett Tillman

Ondřej Preuss, The Substantive Requirements of a Democratic Rule of Law in Case Law of the Constitutional Court 16 n.23, 109 (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Juris Utrisque Doctor Dissertation 2013), citing Tillman's A Textualist Defense.

[September 12, 2014]

Publication Date
December 15, 2013
Citation Information
Ondřej Preuss, The Substantive Requirements of a Democratic Rule of Law in Case Law of the Constitutional Court 16 n.23, 109 (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, Juris Utrisque Doctor Dissertation 2013), available at, also available at