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Extract from Mike McNerney, Trust or Profit: An Examination of Whether Military Officers may Serve as Members of Congress or Presidential Electors (2012) (unpublished manuscript), citing the Calabresi-Tillman exchange and the Prakash-Tillman exchange
  • Seth Barrett Tillman

Extract from Mike McNerney, Trust or Profit: An Examination of Whether Military Officers may Serve as Members of Congress or Presidential Electors 11 n.31, 17 n.52 (2012), citing Calabresi-Tillman exchange on PENNumbra & Prakash-Tillman exchange on DJCLPP.

[December 19, 2012]

Publication Date
December 19, 2012
Citation Information
Mike McNerney, Trust or Profit: An Examination of Whether Military Officers may Serve as Members of Congress or Presidential Electors 11 n.31, 17 n.52 (2012) (unpublished manuscript) (on file with author) (citing the Calabresi-Tillman exchange and the Prakash-Tillman exchange), available at, also available at