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On the effect of electron plasma waves with relativistic phase velocity on large-angle stimulated Raman scattering of modulated short laser pulse in plasmas
Proceedings of SPIE: Laser Optics 2000: Ultrafast Optics and Superstrong Laser Fields (2001)
  • Nikolai E. Andreev
  • Serguei Y. Kalmykov

Suppression of a large-angle stimulated Raman scattering (LA-SRS) of a short modulated (two-frequency) laser pulse in a transparent plasma in the presence of a linear long-wavelength electron plasma wave (LW EPW) having relativistic phase velocity is considered under the conditions of weak and strong coupling. The laser spectrum includes two components with a frequency shift equal to the frequency of the LW EPW. The mutual influence of different spectral components of a laser on the SRS under a given angle in the presence of the LW EPW is examined.

  • Stimulated Raman scattering in plasmas,
  • parametric processes in laser plasmas,
  • convective instability,
  • multi-mode parametric process,
  • Langmuir mode coupling
Publication Date
Summer June, 2001
Alexander A. Andreev, Vladimir E. Yashin
SPIE—The International Society for Optical Engineering
Citation Information
Nikolai E. Andreev and Serguei Y. Kalmykov. "On the effect of electron plasma waves with relativistic phase velocity on large-angle stimulated Raman scattering of modulated short laser pulse in plasmas" Bellingham, WashingtonProceedings of SPIE: Laser Optics 2000: Ultrafast Optics and Superstrong Laser Fields Vol. 4352 (2001)
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