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Investors’ Reaction to Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective of the Newsweek ’s “Green Rankings”
Environmental and Resource Economics
  • Juan M. Murguia, North Dakota State University--Fargo
  • Sergio H Lence, Iowa State University
Document Type
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
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We use event study analysis to determine whether the release of Newsweek’s “Global 100 Ranking” is relevant for the market. We look at one- and two-day event windows to check two possible reactions of the market: changes in the value of an equal-weight portfolio, and changes in the relative price of the stocks. The results show that the market reacted to the “Global 100 Ranking” by changing the relative price of the stocks, but not the value of the portfolio. Specifically, getting one position closer to the top of Newsweek’s “Global 100 Green Rankings” increases the value of an average firm in the list by eleven million dollars. There is also some evidence of a stronger reaction of non-US-traded stocks compared to US-traded ones. Non-heavy sector stocks display a more robust reaction than heavy sector stocks. We find that investors in US-traded stocks are interested in past environmental performance and managerial quality, while the second is more relevant for investors in non-US-traded stocks. Results are robust to alternative model specifications.


This is manuscript of an article from Environmental and Resource Economics 60 (2015): 583, doi:10.1007/s10640-014-9781-0. The final publication is available at Springer via

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Citation Information
Juan M. Murguia and Sergio H Lence. "Investors’ Reaction to Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective of the Newsweek ’s “Green Rankings”" Environmental and Resource Economics Vol. 60 Iss. 4 (2015) p. 583 - 605
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