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L’affaire Harry. Petite scientifiction
Terrain. Revue d’Ethnologie européenne: “Etre une personne” (2009)
  • Vinciane Despret
  • Serge Gutwirth
Departing from a fictive situation the article envisions the possibility to confer the status of legal person to apes. It explores the existing legal debate and notes that there is a crucial difference between the status of person from a legal and from a symbolic perspective. The article further considers the consequences of an adaptation of the law in this sense, not for the humans as is usually the case, but for the other animals who would not benefit from such change.
Publication Date
March, 2009
Citation Information
Vinciane Despret and Serge Gutwirth. "L’affaire Harry. Petite scientifiction" Terrain. Revue d’Ethnologie européenne: “Etre une personne” Iss. 52 (2009)
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