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Boundary Spanner Multi-Faceted Role Ambiguity and Burnout: An Exploratory Study
Industrial Marketing Management (2014)
  • Scott C. Ambrose, Emory & Henry College
  • Brian N. Rutherford, Kennesaw State University
  • C. David Shepherd, Georgia Southern University
  • Armen Tashchian, Kennesaw State University
Although researchers have gained considerable knowledge regarding the multi-faceted manifestation of burnout
over recent years, inconsistent findings of role ambiguity as an antecedent to burnout are still prevalent. Given
the complex boundary-spanning nature of sales, it is likely that global measures of role ambiguity fail to fully
capture the domain and impact of role ambiguity. To help address this gap, this study provides initial evidence
that facets of role ambiguity impact burnout manifestation in the sales role differently. Specifically, findings
provide a foundation to help mitigate the negative impact of burnout by focusing on only certain facets of role
  • boundary spanner,
  • salesperson burnout,
  • job performance,
  • job satisfaction,
  • role ambiguity
Publication Date
September, 2014
Citation Information
Scott C. Ambrose, Brian N. Rutherford, C. David Shepherd and Armen Tashchian. "Boundary Spanner Multi-Faceted Role Ambiguity and Burnout: An Exploratory Study" Industrial Marketing Management Vol. 43 Iss. 6 (2014) p. 1070 - 1078 ISSN: 0019-8501
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