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Salesperson Multi-Faceted Role Ambiguity and Burnout: An Exploratory Study
IMP Group Conference (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) (2013)
  • Scott C. Ambrose, Emory & Henry College
  • Brian Rutherford, Kennesaw State University
  • C. David Shepherd, Georgia Southern University
  • Armen Tashchian, Kennesaw State University
Although sales researchers have gained considerable knowledge regarding the multifaceted manifestation of burnout over recent years, inconsistent findings of role ambiguity as an antecedent to burnout abound. Given the complex boundary-spanning nature of sales, it is likely that global measures of role ambiguity fail to fully capture the domain and impact of role ambiguity. To help address this gap within the literature, this study provides a foundation that dimensions of role ambiguity impact aspects of the salesperson role differently. Specifically, findings are expected to provide evidence to help mitigate the negative impact of burnout by focusing on specific dimensions of role ambiguity. 
  • salesperson burnout,
  • job performance,
  • job satisfaction,
  • role ambiguity
Publication Date
August, 2013
Atlanta, GA
This conference also called International Marketers and Purchasers Conference, held at Georgia State University, August 31-September 2, 2013.
Citation Information
Scott C. Ambrose, Brian Rutherford, C. David Shepherd and Armen Tashchian. "Salesperson Multi-Faceted Role Ambiguity and Burnout: An Exploratory Study" IMP Group Conference (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) (2013)
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