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Contribution to Book
John Mitchell, Jr.: The Hero of Richmond Journalism and Social Change
Heroes of Richmond: Four Centuries of Courage, Dignity, and Virtue (2018)
  • Josh A Trauberman, University of Richmond
The purpose of this chapter is to offer an analysis of the events and encounters
that led to John Mitchell, Jr.’s ascendance to heroism. This chapter will
detail the tumultuous times and challenging contexts that led to Mitchell’s
heroism. My goal is to illuminate Mitchell’s heroic journey, during which
he demonstrated each of Allison and Goethals’ (2011) great eight character
traits of heroism. I will also describe the heroic transformative processes
that drove Mitchell’s desire to change himself and the society around him
(Allison & Goethals, 2017). In addition, this chapter will explore Mitchell’s
career development and his steadfast sense of calling that shaped his career
trajectory (Dik et al., 2017). Finally, the components of the hero functions
framework will be described and will reveal the lasting impact of Mitchell’s
heroic actions (Kinsella et al., 2017).
  • John Mitchell,
  • Richmond hero,
  • journalism hero
Publication Date
Scott T. Allison
Citation Information
Josh A Trauberman. "John Mitchell, Jr.: The Hero of Richmond Journalism and Social Change" Heroes of Richmond: Four Centuries of Courage, Dignity, and Virtue (2018)
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