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Team-Based Ingenuity Supporting 21st Century Learners
Collaborative Librarianship (2012)
  • Sarah C Hutton, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Robert C Davis, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Carol Will, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
Supporting the active learning process of the 21st century student is one of the main goals of the Learning Commons at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Building and maintaining effective student learning spaces and academic services requires proactive assessment of University climate, pedagogical direction, and curriculum development. Increasingly instructors are using active, group, and participatory teaching methods and are offering students opportunities to opt in to more creative assignments requiring the use of advanced technologies in support of multimedia projects. The UMass Libraries aim to anticipate the needs of instructors and students by tailoring student spaces to support teaching and learning goals. Collaboration with campus partners is essential in providing a holistic approach to meeting student need; the Office of Information Technologies (OIT) is one of the strongest partners in this collaboration, helping to form the teams that work to research, implement, and assess new projects.
  • student learning spaces,
  • learning commons,
  • multimedia,
  • student videos,
  • collaboration,
  • collaborative learning,
  • group work,
  • active learning,
  • team-based learning
Publication Date
Winter 2012
Publisher Statement
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Citation Information
Sarah C Hutton, Robert C Davis and Carol Will. "Team-Based Ingenuity Supporting 21st Century Learners" Collaborative Librarianship Vol. 4 Iss. 4 (2012)
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