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3: "The Current Extinction: Defaunation & Ecosystem Disruption"
Ecosystem Disruption & Climate Change
  • Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
  • Crystal Randall, Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy
Publication Date

Information taken from: Dirzo, R. et al (2014). Defaunation in the Anthropocene. Science, 345(401).

Scientists estimate, conservatively, that there are 5 to 9 million different animal species on the planet. But that number is continually changing, and unfortunately, dropping, as we are likely losing 11,000- 58,000 species annually, and evidence suggests that on average, there has been a decline of about 28% in terms of numbers of individuals within a species over the last four decades. Both of these statistics are vitally important. The critical nature of the first is perhaps more obvious, as total loss of a species is irrecoverable, but the second, a decline in population sizes of species, though more subtle may actually have more immediate impacts and represents an area where positive progress can be made.

Citation Information
Sarah O'Leary-Driscoll and Crystal Randall. "3: "The Current Extinction: Defaunation & Ecosystem Disruption"" (2016)
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