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Fashioning A Career
Kentucky Humanities (2003)
  • Sandra L. Staebell, Western Kentucky University

Mrs. A. H. "Carrie" Taylor evolved from a small town dressmaker to an entrepreneur who in the early years of the twentieth century ran a clothing factory in Bowling Green, Kentucky. She lived during an era when professional opportunities for women were limited but took advantage of one area – dressmaking – that was respectable and turned it into a thriving business, eventually employing over 200 individuals, most of whom were female. For nearly forty years, she interpreted fashion trends, adapted to new methods for manufacturing and selling clothing, and became highly skilled in her marketing and promotional efforts, including the use of mass mailings to thousands of potential customers who lived in the southern and southwestern United States.

  • Fashion,
  • Clothing,
  • Clothing Manufacturer,
  • Mrs. A. H. Taylor,
  • Dressmaking,
  • Modiste,
  • Dressmakers
Publication Date
Citation Information
Sandra L. Staebell. "Fashioning A Career" Kentucky Humanities Iss. No. 2 (2003)
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