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A rapid assessment of perceptions for learning community development in Char Ung Kao Village, Char Ung Commune, Ou Chum District, Ratanakiri, Cambodia.
  • Sandra Wooltorton, The University of Notre Dame Australia
This report is designed to provide a basis for the Learning Community Development Project (LCDP) being
implemented by Live & Learn Environmental Education (L&L) in Char Ung Kao Village, Ratanakiri,
Cambodia. The idea of learning community development is to empower communities to take charge of
their own future in a sustainable way. The LCDP is a sub-component of the Rural Livelihoods
Improvement Project (RULIP).
This report was prepared using the data from the Rapid Assessment of Perceptions (RAP) that was
implemented by the L&L team in June 2008. The RAP is a battery of qualitative tools which use
participative ethnographic methods to record people’s stories and perceptions about their lives and
their place. Whilst the data is comprehensive and designed to be valid, it is important to note that it is
based on a rapid assessment. This is so that a project starting point can be ascertained.
  • learning community development,
  • environmental education,
  • sustainability research
Publication Date
Winter June 12, 2008
This research was sponsored by Live & Learn Cambodia, and implemented for the United Nations Development Program, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and The Royal Government of Cambodia.
Citation Information
Wooltorton, S. (2008). A rapid assessment of perceptions for learning community development in Char Ung Kao Village, Char Ung Commune, Ou Chum District, Ratanakiri, Cambodia. UNDP, IFAD and The Royal Government of Cambodia
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