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Transformative education for sustainability transition at Edith Cowan University: A discussion paper
  • Sandra Woolltorton, Edith Cowan University

"Recently the Australian Government released a National Action Plan for sustainability education (DEWHA, 2009) that prescribes for universities a reorientation to sustainability through teaching and learning, research and campus management. It specifies a transformative approach to education, together with a whole‐of‐school, whole‐of‐system philosophy. In this paper I define ‘transformative education’ in the context of sustainability and discuss the implications of the National Action Plan for Edith Cowan University. I also conduct a reconnaissance of the sustainability websites of a small sample of international universities to consider the depth of their transformative approaches to teaching and learning. Finally, I ‘throw down the gauntlet’ with questions for discussion at Edith Cowan University."

Citation Information
Sandra Woolltorton. "Transformative education for sustainability transition at Edith Cowan University: A discussion paper"
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