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A Classroom Teacher's Reflection on Learning Sustainability
Sustainable communities, sustainable environments: the contribution of science and technology education (2007)
  • Sandra Wooltorton
In 2004 I taught a class of 31 eleven and twelve year olds in a south-west Western Australian state primary school which I will call Forestdown. After critique and reflection on my 2004 teaching, in 2005 I taught half a day per week at the same school, this time with ten year olds. I used action research (Reason & Bradbury, 2001) to articulate my challenges and to formulate the approach I used to address them. The research context is a prosperous, business-as-usual culture built uupon a foundation of environmental destruction. Even though the children I taught in 2004 performed creditably in state-based testing and were generally considered to be very successful at school, they exhibited many examples of an orientation towards a technocratic consumerism and little awareness that they were living within ecological limits. In response to this, I elucidate a process for reconnective learning, and present some 2005 examples to show the direction that is emerging at the same school.
  • action research,
  • learning sustainability,
  • environmental education
Publication Date
January 1, 2007
Zandvliet, David & Fisher, Darrel
Brill: Sense
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Wooltorton, S. (2007). A classroom teacher's reflection on learning sustainability. In Zandvliet, T. & Fisher, D. (Eds.). Sustainable communities and sustainable environments (pp. 143-154). Location: Sense.
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