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Unpublished Paper
Diversity Case Study
  • Salma A Hadeed, Florida International University
Diversity brings new talent and creativity in an organization with ideas and beliefs from different backgrounds. Diversity includes race, culture, age, disabilities, ethnicity, socioeconomic backgrounds, gender and sexual orientation. Imagine the workplace as a melting pot that includes all of these diverse affiliations. One would think that where diversity exists, there would be an amicable relationship amongst employees; a creation of colorful ideas being thrown together, however this is not always the case. Even though diversity is looked at as a broad spectrum, this case study would be focusing on only one: sexual orientation in the workplace.
  • Sexual Orientation,
  • discrimination,
  • LGBT
Publication Date
Fall October, 2013
Citation Information
Salma A Hadeed. "Diversity Case Study" (2013)
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