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Reporting multiple imputation: Example Stata code
  • Catherine A. Manly, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
  • Ryan S. Wells, University of Massachusetts - Amherst
The file includes Stata code illustrating implementation of the recommended multiple imputation (MI) reporting practices from the article "Reporting the use of multiple imputation for missing data in higher education research," Research in Higher Education, doi: 10.1007/s11162-014-9344-9. After a brief description of the example used in the code (which uses a publicly available, downloadable dataset), a sample paragraph offers possible text for writing up results using MI to handle missing data in this example. In both the sample paragraph and the subsequent example Stata code, the recommended MI reporting practices identified in the article (Table 1) are highlighted. These recommendations are intended to help authors report MI results in an understandable way and to facilitate replication.
  • survey research,
  • missing data,
  • higher education,
  • multiple imputation (MI)
Publication Date
We would like to thank Steve Porter and Yongyun Shin for very helpful comments on previous versions of this manuscript.

The file accompanies the following article:

Manly, C. A., and Wells, R. S. (2015). Reporting the use of multiple imputation for missing data in higher education research. Research in Higher Education. doi:10.1007/s11162-014-9344-9

Supplemental file: Examples of the figures produced by the code in may be viewed in the supplemental PDF file miexample-figures.pdf.
Citation Information
Catherine A. Manly and Ryan S. Wells. "Reporting multiple imputation: Example Stata code" (2015)
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