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Milwaukee Public Library Special Collections Finder (Digital Collection)
  • Rose Fortier, Marquette University

The Milwaukee Public Library has many special collections. These special collections exist both within MPL's various archives and as part of several reference departments housed at MPL's Central Library. The Milwaukee Public Library's archives consist of the City of Milwaukee Archives, the Great Lakes Marine Collection, the Historic Photo Archives, the Manuscript Collection, the Milwaukee Road Archives, MPL's Own Archives, and the Wisconsin Architectural Archive. In addition, many of Central Library's subject departments have special collections beyond those contained in these seven archives. Most, although not all, of these special collections contain local history resources. Some collections are of broader importance than others; however, all of the collections contain materials unique to the Milwaukee Public Library. The finding aids housed in this digital resource describe MPL's special collections materials. At this time not all of the special collections and archival materials have finding aids, and more finding aids will be added as they are created and as new collections are added to MPL's holdings.

  • digital collections,
  • CONTENTdm,
  • archival records
Publication Date
Citation Information
Rose Fortier. "Milwaukee Public Library Special Collections Finder (Digital Collection)" (2010)
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